

Listen on WFMUHERE

a collision of collages and earlier mixes: splognerizer n. 9, The Beatles - Revolution n. 9, Scratzee (an aleatoric tape compositison for three tape decks, mixer and 6 dices, made during my study), echo-mixes of 52 weeks-project, stereo test records and additional home recordings from between 1976 and 2016.
I can't recall every ingrediënt but roughly, in order of appearance:

- Splogman's remix of Beethoven's 9th symphony (using several versions and adaptations of the original, add. drums, samples and sound fx)
- 'THE GOSPELSSOUND' Dedemsvaart [NL] Wild als de wind [naar Beethoven 9]
- Louis Clarck - Ode to Joy
- R.d.Laing & son - Tipperary
- Bob Cobbing & Henri Chopin - Refreshment break
- Eveline (home recording, Belgium 1989) - Russian folk song
- First Moog Quartett - Eleanor Rigby
- De Zwervende Keien live in Groningen café [with Willeke Turkenburg on piano] & unknown out of nowhere Dixieland band - Love me Tender
- The Tattoos - Song of Joy
- Apollo 100 - Beethoven 9
- Surreal XTC - Seven of Nine (Borg remix)
- Ron Brandsteder (dutch tv-presentator) - Nine short years
- Turkish wedding music recorded live in my street july 18th 2008
- Ruth Houtman interpreting 'life on mars' on baroque violin (home recording march 2016)
- Turkish pupils of mine over 10 years ago - frere Jacques in Turkish
- R.A.M. Pietsch - Norwegian Wood/Hey Buldog
- Toos Lichtenberg and Jan Turkenburg - Darling Clementine
- 12 year old DJ Jan on cassette presenting the "local hitparade".
- Fred Frith - The entire works of Henry Cow
- anonymous sibling 1983 - Little help from my friends
- Jan Turkenburg - A fifth of Splogman
- Pete Seeger - Beethoven's 9th on banjo
- One of my classes of the Geert Grote School (almost certainly the same that sang on In My Spaceship) - Obladi Oblada

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